About me

  • Gamer

    I've been addicted to online games since I was a kid. I've already done live on Twitch. My favorite games are COD, LoL, Naraka and Yu-gi-oh.

  • Otaku

    I've always watched anime and cartoons. I am a product collector, I invent designs and create art. And everything I think is beautiful I bring here for you.

  • Developer

    I'm a Full Stack developer. I use all my knowledge in marketing and the best Rest APIs to find the best customers. In this case, the customer is you.

  • Content creator

    I post funny content to serious content like the AMV below. I already have 30k followers on TikTok and I ask you to help me reach 30k on YouTube too.

My Youtube Channel

Thank you very much for visiting my store

"Strong people don't knock others down, they help them get up."

-Goku, Dragon Ball Z